04 Jan Google Classrooms and Remote Learning Guidance
Please see the videos below for details on how your child logs onto their Google Classrooms account (for children in Years 1-6). If you would like to check anything on your account please email your child’s class teacher on their class emails, otherwise if you have any queries regarding Google Classrooms itself then please email Liz on eluka@boundsgreen.haringey.sch.uk.
There is also a document giving you more information on the how to use Google Classroom and how to submit your child’s work, as well as an information document for parents on the remote learning provision at Bounds Green and the full Remote Learning Policy:
To log onto your Google Classroom, please click on this link: https://classroom.google.com/
Using Google Classroom Guidance for Parents and Submitting Work
BG School Remote Learning Policy. Jan 21
Providing Remote Education Information to Parents-Bounds Green Jan 21
BG – Behaviour for Google Classroom Protocol
Please also read this helpful guidance on how to clear your browser history and keep you Google Chrome up to date:
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