Please ensure that your contact details are up-to date and inform the office of any changes. If you need to contact us about any home circumstances which may be affecting your child in school or have a particular concern about your child, please contact us on our class emails.
Our class email addresses are:
Every week we email a Nursery newsletter, which will include reminders, learning tips and ideas and what we have been learning that week.
Nursery families should enter via the front gate on Bounds Green Road in the morning and pick up from the gate in front of the ramp leading down from Nursery.
In Nursery, your child can either bring a packed lunch from home or you can purchase a hot school lunch for £2.25. At the latest, this lunch must be booked the night before, on the School Gateway. You must specify the day you wish your child to have a hot school lunch.
What should my child wear to school?
Comfortable clothing that is easy to manage independently. E.g. jogging bottoms, leggings and Velcro shoes or trainers. It would be very helpful if you could label your child’s clothing, particularly jackets, coats and hoodies.
No jewellery should be worn, other than small ear studs.
Spare clothes in a draw string or carrier bag to stay on their peg. Please do not bring any toys or other items from home.
Settling into Nursery: What will my child be learning in the first half term?
You child is welcome to choose one book at a time from the class lending library to take home in a book bag.
We assess and plan for the next steps in children’s learning by observing them in their play and during adult focused activities. This enables us to identify areas for development. We use EvidenceMe to record our observations and we welcome parent contributions on the app; this could be in the form of a photo or a brief comment.
In the first term we concentrate on three areas of learning, which are:
In the Spring and Summer terms we also include the following areas of learning:
Planned for March, more information to be sent closer to the time.
You are welcome to be a Mystery Reader – reading a short story to a Nursery carpet group – Tuesday – 11.40am or 2.35pm / Thursday – 11.40am or 2.35pm. Please book a slot with a Nursery adult.
Please see our latest Curriculum Map for Nursery and Reception:
EYFS Overview________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________