Bounds Green is a happy and successful school community because:
· We CHALLENGE every child to be ambitious and achieve success in their learning.
· We VALUE respect and responsibility, individuality and inclusivity, confidence and kindness.
· We NURTURE each unique child to value themselves and develop self-worth in order to thrive in life.

EYFS Links to Science Y1-6
Y1 Detailed Overview..
Y2 Detailed Overview..
Y3 Detailed Overview..
Y4 Detailed Overview..
Y5 Detailed Overview..
Y6 Detailed Overview..
The Science curriculum at Bounds Green School strives to facilitate motivating and contextual experiences in order to build children’s knowledge, concepts and skills in Science. We want the children at Bounds Green to believe that we can all be scientists! We foster and encourage children’s excitement, curiosity and understanding about the world around them and endeavour to equip them with the knowledge, skills and confidence to ask and answer their own questions. Our intent is to provide an inclusive science curriculum where children enjoy science learning and make progress.
Our curriculum is designed in line with the national curriculum where science units are carefully planned to build on prior learning, from children’s early experiences in EYFS through to upper KS2. Science units across Y1-6 cover the different disciplines of biology, physics and chemistry. This progressive approach cements the growth of a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts which children can relate to their everyday life and experiences. Knowledge is acquired through and alongside the working scientifically strand of the national curriculum and our science units are sequenced with these in mind. Each lesson underpins an area of scientific enquiry, symbols have been developed for each area and are utilised so that the children become familiar and confident at using them.

The awe and wonder of science begins in our EYFS where the children are given opportunities to make sense of their physical world through exploring, questioning and finding out about the world around them (Understanding of the World). Children in our Early Years develop scientific knowledge though free flow play based activities which are carefully facilitated by our staffing team, a selection of examples include:
- Planting and making observations of plants and insects in our local environment.
- Investigating life cycles – watching eggs hatch and observing caterpillars turn into butterflies.
- Exploring forces e.g. floating and sinking.
- Observing and exploring changes in materials and state e.g melting during cooking.
- Using their senses in the environment
By the time children at Bounds Green enter KS1 they have been given a variety of scientific experiences and acquired a base of knowledge which can then be used as the foundation of the rest of their primary journey in science learning.
At Key Stage 1 pupils observe, explore and ask questions about living things, materials and physical phenomena. They begin to work together to collect evidence to help them answer questions and to link this to simple scientific ideas. They begin to evaluate evidence and consider whether tests or comparisons are fair. They use reference materials to find out more about scientific ideas.
Key Stage 2 pupils learn about a wider range of living things, materials and physical phenomena. They make links between ideas and explain things using simple models and theories. They apply their knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas to familiar phenomena, everyday things and their personal health. They carry out more systematic investigations, working on their own and with others. They talk about their work and its significance and aim to use a wide range of scientific language.
Planning for science is rigorous through the use of a whole-school progression map which exemplifies science units within each ear group. Detailed unit plans have then been developed for each year group, including key progressive vocabulary. These facilitate the acquisition of prior knowledge, concepts and key vocabulary before moving onto the next step in their science learning. The content of our lessons are supported by the use of the SNAP science scheme which is a comprehensive programme complete with a bank of lesson plans, resources and built in opportunities for assessment.
We strive to ensure that each science lesson underpins an area of scientific enquiry so that both scientific knowledge and working scientifically skills are taught hand in hand. Where possible, children have first-hand practical experiences within the classroom, school grounds, local area or field trips, allowing them to explore and talk about their ideas; ask their own questions; compare and contrast and use scientific vocabulary all within a meaningful context. Science learning is an accessible experience for all, facilitated through a collaborative, exploratory approach, where group work provides opportunities for children to discuss and explain their ideas and learn from each other within a supportive and inclusive environment. Where possible, science learning is enhanced through trips, visiting workshops and school community events.
Children at Bounds Green are enthusiastic about science and enjoy talking about what they have learnt and how they achieved this learning. They are able to use a range of appropriate scientific vocabulary when talking about their learning and are confident in asking questions and identifying areas of scientific enquiry to help them answer them. By designing a progressive curriculum, consistently building on children’s prior learning, we have ensured that children are prepared for the end of key stage requirements and are confident in their own scientific ability. Children at Bounds Green are motivated, curious and inspired by science, instilled with the awe and wonder of our world.