Bounds Green is a happy and successful school community because:
· We CHALLENGE every child to be ambitious and achieve success in their learning.
· We VALUE respect and responsibility, individuality and inclusivity, confidence and kindness.
· We NURTURE each unique child to value themselves and develop self-worth in order to thrive in life.

PE Long Overview Years 1-6
Sports Club – Haringey – June 2024
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At Bounds Green School we aim to instil a passion for physical activity in our children that extends outside our school gates. We want each and every child to gain the knowledge and skills needed to lead healthy, active lives. We hope to spark excitement about physical activity, thereby increasing participation in sports and fitness related pursuits in later life. We place great importance on promoting the value of healthy living, exploring close links between our physical, mental and emotional well-being.
From EYFS through to the end of KS2, there will be a clear progression of skill, confidence and stamina developed through a consistent and cumulative approach to the subject. The aims for our children match those outlined in the National Curriculum:
- Development of confidence and ability to excel in a wide range of physical activities
- Engagement in physical activities for sustained periods of time
- Engagement in competitive sports and activities
- Acquisition of the knowledge and means to lead healthy, active lives.
In addition to this, we believe that the varied aspects of PE and physical activity can; create opportunities for success, encourage self-belief and provide emotional, physical and mental well-being for all children.
We aim to provide our children with an hour of timetabled physical education each week supplemented by the Daily Mile where all children in KS2 will run a mile at least 3 times a week.
Broken down for each key stage, the progression will be implemented as follows:
Children will be taught to:
- Develop spatial awareness and co-ordination in games.
- Manage basic travelling, jumping and balancing skills in gymnastics.
- Show control and accuracy when rolling, throwing and hitting a ball.
- To articulate some of the benefits of teamwork.
As a progression of these skills in KS1, the children will be taught to:
- Increase ball control in a range of games, including improved accuracy of catching and throwing.
- The rules and principles of scoring in games ability to articulate the rules of specific games.
- Demonstrate increased co-ordination and diversity in movement in gymnastic and dance sequences, including the transition from being still to movement.
- Run short and long distances and to know the difference.
Further progression in KS2 where children are taught to:
- Deepen their technical knowledge and ball skill through a range of games, including football, netball, tag rugby and cricket.
- Recognise the difference between attack and defence and demonstrate greater accuracy and speed.
- Lead and teach specific ball games and identify which aspects of their own and others’ performances need improvement.
- Articulate the tactics and strategies required for success and motivation in team sports.
- Improved technique for accuracy in throwing and catching.
- Create and adapt specific gymnastic sequences for performance.
- Sustain pace over longer distances
- Identify which athletic activities can improve strength, power or stamina and make the link with their importance in other sports.
All children have the opportunity to participate in PE at their own level of development, with teachers ensuring that lessons cater for individual needs. They experience positive competition and focus is placed on developing good sporting attitudes.
This is delivered by:
- Quality first teaching of games, gymnastics, athletics and dance
- Swimming in Year 5 – will work through a sequence of learning to improve stamina, strength, confidence and safety in the water.
- Involvement in competitive inter and intra school tournaments through our own and Haringey’s provision
- The Daily Mile (KS2)
- Teaching of the human body and balanced diet through Science
- Weekly extra-curricular sporting activities
- Participation in the Haringey competitive sports league across a range of sports and activities
- A variety of activities delivered annually during Healthy Living Month (including yoga and dance workshops, circuit training and nutrition and well-being workshops)
- Whole school participation in our annual Sports Day.
The children will:
- Develop technical skill, stamina and confidence across a range of sporting activities and recognise which activities they prefer and why.
- Develop a passion for physical activity and competitive sports.
- Have opportunities to try new activities and to take them further.
- Understand how to evaluate their own and performance and that of their peers and develop skills to improve that performance.
- Develop physical, mental and emotional skills and will understand the meaning of sporting ‘values’.
Our children will be able to explain the importance in living an active life and knowing the strategies for maintaining a healthy body and mind.
Please click here to see our ‘Sports Premium’ page: